how to convert c program in to assembly 8051 online

  1. Write your C program in a text editor.

  2. Save the C program with a .c file extension, for example, "program.c".

  3. Use an ANSI C compiler like SDCC (Small Device C Compiler) to compile the C program to generate the assembly code. Use the following command:

sdcc program.c
  1. After successful compilation, SDCC will generate an Intel Hex file ("program.ihx") and an assembly file ("program.asm").

  2. Open the assembly file ("program.asm") in a text editor.

  3. Review and understand the assembly code generated by the compiler. The assembly code will contain instructions corresponding to the original C program.

  4. If needed, make any modifications or optimizations to the assembly code based on your requirements.

  5. Save the modified assembly code.

  6. Use an 8051 assembler, such as AS31, to assemble the modified assembly code into a binary file. Use the following command:

as31 program.asm
  1. After successful assembly, AS31 will generate a binary file ("program.obj").

Now you have successfully converted your C program into 8051 assembly code and assembled it into a binary file suitable for the 8051 microcontroller.