Convert arduino String to C language String

To convert an Arduino String to a C language string, you can use the c_str() function provided by the Arduino String class. The c_str() function returns a pointer to a null-terminated character array that represents the contents of the String object.

Here are the steps to convert an Arduino String to a C language string:

  1. Declare a variable of type String in Arduino and initialize it with the desired value.
  2. Use the c_str() function on the String object to obtain a pointer to the character array representation of the String.
  3. Assign the pointer obtained from c_str() to a variable of type char* in C.

Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates the conversion:

#include <Arduino.h>

void setup() {
  String arduinoString = "Hello, World!"; // Step 1: Declare and initialize a String object

  const char* cString = arduinoString.c_str(); // Step 2: Convert the String to a C string

  // Use the cString variable as a C string
  // ...

void loop() {
  // ...

In the example above, arduinoString is an Arduino String object that is initialized with the value "Hello, World!". The c_str() function is then used to obtain a pointer (cString) to the C-style string representation of arduinoString.

You can now use the cString variable as a C string in your code, for example, by passing it to functions that expect a const char* parameter.

Note that the C-style string obtained using c_str() is read-only, so you should not modify its contents directly. If you need to modify the string, you should create a new character array and copy the contents of the String object into it using functions like strcpy() or memcpy().