sql delete query

SQL Delete Query Explanation

To explain the steps involved in a SQL delete query, let's consider an example scenario where we have a table called "employees" with the following columns: "id", "name", and "department". We want to delete a specific employee from the table based on their ID.

  1. Syntax: The basic syntax of a delete query in SQL is as follows: DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;

  2. DELETE FROM: The "DELETE FROM" clause specifies the table from which we want to delete the data. In our example, the table name is "employees".

  3. WHERE: The "WHERE" clause is optional but commonly used to specify the condition for deleting specific rows. It allows us to filter the rows to be deleted based on certain criteria. In our example, we want to delete an employee based on their ID, so the condition would be something like "WHERE id = 123".

  4. Execution: When the delete query is executed, the database engine performs the following steps:

  5. It scans the table to find the rows that match the specified condition.
  6. It deletes the matching rows from the table, effectively removing them from the database.

  7. Commit: It's important to note that the changes made by the delete query are not immediately reflected in the database. They are usually held in a temporary area called the "transaction log". To permanently apply the changes, a "commit" operation needs to be performed.

That's a brief explanation of the steps involved in a SQL delete query. Remember to adapt the syntax and conditions based on your specific table structure and requirements.
