printf format specifiers

Explanation of printf Format Specifiers in C

In C, the printf function is used to print formatted output. It uses format specifiers to specify the type and format of the data to be printed.

  • The format specifier %d is used to print an integer value.
  • The format specifier %f is used to print a floating-point value.
  • The format specifier %c is used to print a character value.
  • The format specifier %s is used to print a string value.

Example Usage of printf Format Specifiers

Here are some examples of using printf format specifiers in C:

  1. Printing Integer and Hexadecimal Values: c printf("(short)-1 %%hu = %10hu (0x%hx)\n", (short)-1, (short)-1);

This code snippet uses the %hu format specifier to print an unsigned short integer and the %hx format specifier to print the value in hexadecimal format.

  1. Printing Floating-Point Values: c fgets(line, 512, stdin); float f = atof(line); printf("you typed %d and %f\n", i, f);

In this example, the %f format specifier is used to print a floating-point value [2].

  1. Printing Character Values: c printf("type a character:\n"); fgets(line, 512, stdin); char c = line[0]; printf("you typed %c\n", c);

Here, the %c format specifier is used to print a character value [2].

  1. Formatting Console Output: c console.log('%chello, world', 'color: green; font-size: 24px')

In JavaScript, the %c format specifier is used to apply CSS rules to the console output [3].


The printf function in C uses format specifiers to control the formatting of the output. Understanding these format specifiers is essential for effectively using the printf function to display different types of data.