copy string in c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main() {
    char source[] = "Hello, World!"; // Step 1: Declare and initialize the source string
    char destination[20];             // Step 2: Declare the destination string with enough space

    strcpy(destination, source);      // Step 3: Use strcpy function to copy the source string to destination

    printf("Source: %s\n", source);   // Step 4: Print the source string
    printf("Destination: %s\n", destination); // Step 5: Print the copied string (destination)

    return 0;                         // Step 6: Return 0 to indicate successful execution

Note: Make sure that the destination array has enough space to accommodate the source string, including the null terminator. In this example, the destination array has a size of 20, which is sufficient for the "Hello, World!" string. Adjust the size according to the length of the strings you are working with.