
Certainly! Here's an explanation for each step in using Unigine with the C language:

  1. Include Header File: Begin by including the necessary Unigine header file in your C program using the #include directive. c #include <Unigine.h>

  2. Main Function: Define the main function where your program execution starts. c int main() { // Your code goes here return 0; }

  3. Initialize Unigine: Call the Unigine::init() function to initialize the Unigine framework. c Unigine::init();

  4. Run Unigine: Run the Unigine application loop using Unigine::run() to start rendering the scene. c while (Unigine::isDone() == 0) { Unigine::run(); // Additional logic for your application }

  5. Shutdown Unigine: Once the loop exits, call Unigine::shutdown() to properly shut down the Unigine framework and release resources. c Unigine::shutdown();

  6. Return Exit Status: Finally, return an exit status from the main function (typically 0 for successful execution). c return 0;

These steps outline the basic structure and flow of using Unigine with the C language, initializing the framework, running the application loop, and properly shutting down Unigine at the end.