#include<stdio.h> main() { int *p = 15; printf("%d",*p); }

Sure! Here is an explanation of each step in the given code:

  1. The first line #include<stdio.h> is a preprocessor directive that tells the compiler to include the stdio.h header file. This file contains declarations for standard input/output functions such as printf.

  2. The main() function is the entry point of a C program. It is where the program execution begins.

  3. The line int p = 15; declares a variable p as a pointer to an integer. The asterisk () before p indicates that p is a pointer. The value 15 is assigned to p, which is incorrect because p is a pointer and should store the address of an integer variable, not a value.

  4. The line printf("%d",*p); is a function call to printf, which is used to print formatted output to the console. In this case, it prints the value pointed to by p using the %d format specifier.

  5. Since p is incorrectly assigned the value 15, the behavior of dereferencing p using *p is undefined. It may result in a segmentation fault or any other runtime error.

Overall, this code has a logical error in assigning an integer value to a pointer variable, which leads to undefined behavior when trying to access the value pointed to by the pointer.