babel customelement plugins

Step 1: Include necessary libraries and headers

#include <stdio.h>
#include <babel/babel.h>

Step 2: Define the custom element

static void custom_element_connected(BabelCustomElement *element) {
    // Implementation for when the custom element is connected

static void custom_element_disconnected(BabelCustomElement *element) {
    // Implementation for when the custom element is disconnected

static BabelCustomElementClass custom_element_class = {
    .connected = custom_element_connected,
    .disconnected = custom_element_disconnected,

Step 3: Implement custom element methods

static void custom_element_method_example(BabelCustomElement element, const BabelValue args, BabelValue *result) {
    // Implementation of the custom element method

static BabelCustomElementMethod custom_element_methods[] = {
    { "exampleMethod", custom_element_method_example },
    // Add more custom element methods as needed

Step 4: Initialize the custom element

BabelCustomElement *custom_element = babel_custom_element_new("CustomElement", &custom_element_class, custom_element_methods);

Step 5: Register the custom element


Step 6: Start the Babel runtime


Step 7: Use the custom element in the application

BabelValue *args = babel_value_array_new();
BabelValue *result = babel_value_new();

babel_custom_element_invoke_method(custom_element, "exampleMethod", args, result);


Step 8: Stop the Babel runtime when done


Note: Ensure that you have the necessary dependencies installed and linked when compiling the code. Additionally, handle errors and memory management appropriately in a production environment.