formula to find the area of a trapezium in c

#include <stdio.h>

float area_of_trapezium(float base1, float base2, float height) {
    float area = 0.5  (base1 + base2)  height;
    return area;

int main() {
    float base1, base2, height;

    printf("Enter the length of base 1: ");
    scanf("%f", &base1);

    printf("Enter the length of base 2: ");
    scanf("%f", &base2);

    printf("Enter the height: ");
    scanf("%f", &height);

    float result = area_of_trapezium(base1, base2, height);
    printf("The area of the trapezium is: %.2f\n", result);

    return 0;

This C code calculates the area of a trapezium using the formula: (\frac{1}{2} \times (base1 + base2) \times height). The area_of_trapezium function takes three parameters: base1, base2, and height, and computes the area using these values. The main function prompts the user to input the lengths of the two bases (base1 and base2) as well as the height of the trapezium. It then calls the area_of_trapezium function with these values and prints the calculated area.