what is implicit typecasting

Implicit Typecasting in C

Implicit typecasting, also known as implicit conversion, is the automatic conversion of one data type to another by the compiler without the need for explicit instructions from the programmer. This conversion is done when an expression involving different data types is evaluated.

Example of Implicit Typecasting

Let's consider an example to understand implicit typecasting in C:

int num1 = 10;
float num2 = 3.5;
float result = num1 + num2;

In this example, we have an integer variable num1 and a float variable num2. When we perform the addition operation num1 + num2, the compiler automatically converts the integer num1 to a float before performing the addition. This is an example of implicit typecasting.

Explanation of Steps

  1. The integer value 10 is stored in the variable num1.
  2. The float value 3.5 is stored in the variable num2.
  3. The expression num1 + num2 is evaluated.
  4. Before performing the addition, the compiler implicitly converts the integer num1 to a float.
  5. The addition operation is performed, resulting in the float value 13.5.
  6. The float value 13.5 is stored in the variable result.

In this example, the implicit typecasting allows us to perform arithmetic operations between different data types without explicitly converting them.

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