xampp ubuntu

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
    FILE *file_pointer;
    char file_content[1000];

    file_pointer = fopen("/opt/lampp/htdocs/example.txt", "r");

    if (file_pointer == NULL) {
        printf("File cannot be opened or does not exist.\n");
        return 1;

    fgets(file_content, 1000, file_pointer);

    printf("Content of the file:\n%s", file_content);


    return 0;


  1. #include <stdio.h> and #include <stdlib.h>: These lines include necessary header files for input/output operations and standard library functions in C.

  2. int main() {...}: This is the main function where the execution of the program begins.

  3. FILE *file_pointer;: Declares a file pointer variable named file_pointer used to handle file operations.

  4. char file_content[1000];: Declares a character array named file_content to store the content read from the file. It has a size of 1000 characters.

  5. file_pointer = fopen("/opt/lampp/htdocs/example.txt", "r");: Opens a file named "example.txt" located at "/opt/lampp/htdocs/" in read-only mode. It assigns the file pointer to file_pointer.

  6. if (file_pointer == NULL) { ... }: Checks if the file opening was successful. If the file pointer is NULL, it means the file could not be opened, and it prints an error message.

  7. fgets(file_content, 1000, file_pointer);: Reads a line from the file using fgets() function and stores it in file_content. It reads at most 999 characters from the file pointed by file_pointer.

  8. printf("Content of the file:\n%s", file_content);: Prints the content of the file to the console.

  9. fclose(file_pointer);: Closes the file associated with file_pointer.

  10. return 0;: Indicates successful execution of the program by returning 0 to the operating system.