parcel-bundler include image files

To include image files in a C language program using parcel-bundler, follow these steps:

  1. Import the image file: Use the #include directive to import the image file into your C program. For example, if your image file is named "image.jpg" and is located in the same directory as your C file, you can import it like this:
#include "image.jpg"
  1. Declare a variable to store the image data: In your C program, declare a variable of type unsigned char array to store the image data. This array will hold the binary representation of the image file. For example:
unsigned char image_data[] = {/ binary data /};
  1. Initialize the image data: In the array declaration, replace / binary data / with the actual binary data of the image file. You can use a tool like xxd to convert the image file into its binary representation. For example:
unsigned char image_data[] = {
    0xFF, 0xD8, 0xFF, 0xE0, / ... / 0xFF, 0xD9
  1. Use the image data in your program: You can now use the image_data array in your C program. For example, you can pass it to image processing functions or display it on the screen.

Note: The above steps assume that you are using parcel-bundler to bundle your C program along with the image file. Make sure that the image file is in the same directory as your C file, or specify the correct path in the #include directive if the image file is located elsewhere.