what to do after gan training

  1. Save the Generator and Discriminator Models: Save the trained generator and discriminator models to disk for future use.
// Example code to save models
save_model(generator, "generator_model");
save_model(discriminator, "discriminator_model");
  1. Generate Synthetic Data: Use the trained generator to generate synthetic data for evaluation or further training.
// Example code to generate synthetic data
generate_synthetic_data(generator, num_samples, synthetic_data);
  1. Evaluate the Generator: Assess the quality of the generated data using appropriate metrics or by comparing it to the real data distribution.
// Example code for evaluation
float evaluation_score = evaluate_generator(generator, real_data);
  1. Fine-Tune the Generator (Optional): If the generated data does not meet expectations, consider fine-tuning the generator using additional training iterations or adjusting hyperparameters.
// Example code for fine-tuning
fine_tune_generator(generator, real_data);
  1. Save Generated Data: Save the generated data to disk for further analysis or use.
// Example code to save generated data
save_data(synthetic_data, "generated_data");
  1. Deploy the Generator (Optional): Deploy the trained generator for generating synthetic data in a production environment if applicable.
// Example code for deployment
deploy_generator(generator, deployment_settings);
  1. Document and Report: Document the training process, hyperparameters, and any observations. Prepare a report summarizing the results and insights gained from the GAN training.
// Example code for documentation
create_training_report(training_params, results, observations);
  1. Share Knowledge: Share the knowledge gained from GAN training with relevant stakeholders or the research community.
// Example code for sharing knowledge
  1. Monitor and Update: Continuously monitor the performance of the deployed generator and update it as needed based on new data or changing requirements.
// Example code for monitoring and updating
monitor_and_update(generator, data_updates);