Algorithm that flips sentences and numbers

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

// Function to reverse a string
void reverseString(char str[], int start, int end) {
    while (start < end) {
        // Swap characters at start and end
        char temp = str[start];
        str[start] = str[end];
        str[end] = temp;

        // Move towards the center

// Function to reverse words in a sentence
void reverseWords(char sentence[]) {
    int length = strlen(sentence);

    // Reverse the entire sentence
    reverseString(sentence, 0, length - 1);

    // Initialize variables to track word boundaries
    int start = 0;
    int end = 0;

    // Traverse the reversed sentence
    while (end < length) {
        // Find the end of the current word
        while (end < length && sentence[end] != ' ') {

        // Reverse the current word
        reverseString(sentence, start, end - 1);

        // Move to the next word
        start = end + 1;

// Function to reverse digits in a number
int reverseNumber(int num) {
    int reversed = 0;

    // Reverse the digits
    while (num > 0) {
        int digit = num % 10;
        reversed = reversed * 10 + digit;
        num /= 10;

    return reversed;

int main() {
    // Example with a sentence
    char sentence[] = "Hello, World!";
    printf("Original sentence: %s\n", sentence);

    // Reverse words in the sentence
    printf("Flipped sentence: %s\n", sentence);

    // Example with a number
    int number = 12345;
    printf("Original number: %d\n", number);

    // Reverse digits in the number
    int reversedNumber = reverseNumber(number);
    printf("Flipped number: %d\n", reversedNumber);

    return 0;