fatal and non fatal error in c

A fatal error in C refers to an error that causes the program to terminate abruptly and cannot be recovered from. It usually occurs when the program encounters a critical error that prevents it from continuing execution. Some common examples of fatal errors include accessing memory that has not been allocated, dividing by zero, or calling a function with incorrect arguments.

On the other hand, a non-fatal error in C refers to an error that can be recovered from and allows the program to continue execution. These errors are typically handled using error handling mechanisms such as try-catch blocks or return codes. Non-fatal errors may include things like invalid input, file not found, or network connection issues.

The distinction between fatal and non-fatal errors is important because it determines how the program should handle the error. In the case of a fatal error, the program should gracefully terminate and provide an error message to the user. For non-fatal errors, the program can attempt to recover from the error or provide an appropriate error message to guide the user.

Understanding the difference between fatal and non-fatal errors in C is crucial for writing robust and reliable programs. By properly handling errors, programmers can improve the overall stability and user experience of their C programs.