online c compiler with mpi

Online C Compiler with MPI

To use an online C compiler with MPI, you can follow these steps:

  1. Select an Online C Compiler: Choose an online C compiler that supports MPI. One such option is the "Compile and Execute C Online" tool available at

  2. Write the C Code: Write your C code, including the necessary MPI functions for parallel processing.

  3. Compile the Code: Use the online C compiler to compile the code. Ensure that you include the necessary MPI compiler flags for parallel execution.

  4. Run the Code: After successful compilation, run the code using the online compiler's execution feature. This will execute the MPI-enabled C program and demonstrate parallel processing.

  5. Review the Output: Check the output of the program to ensure that the MPI functionality is working as expected.

By following these steps, you can utilize an online C compiler with MPI to write, compile, and execute parallel C programs.
