C code to MIPS assembly converter online

There are several online tools available that can convert C code to MIPS assembly code. One such tool is the "godbolt.org" website, which provides a compiler explorer for various programming languages, including C and MIPS assembly.

To convert C code to MIPS assembly using godbolt.org, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to godbolt.org.

  2. In the editor section, enter your C code. Make sure to include any necessary header files and function prototypes.

  3. Click on the "Compiler" dropdown menu and select "GCC" or any other appropriate compiler.

  4. Click on the "Compiler options" button to specify any additional compiler flags or options if needed.

  5. Once you have entered your C code and selected the compiler options, the corresponding MIPS assembly code will be displayed in the right-hand panel.

  6. You can scroll through the MIPS assembly code to see the conversion of your C code into assembly instructions.

  7. Each line of the MIPS assembly code represents an instruction or a directive. MIPS assembly instructions are typically represented by a mnemonic followed by one or more operands.

  8. You can hover over each line of the assembly code to see a tooltip with additional information about the instruction or directive.

  9. It's important to note that the generated MIPS assembly code may not be optimal or efficient. You may need to manually optimize the code if necessary.

  10. You can also use the "Download" button to save the MIPS assembly code as a file for further analysis or use.

Remember that the conversion of C code to MIPS assembly is not always straightforward and can be complex, especially for more complex C programs. It's important to understand the MIPS architecture and instruction set to effectively analyze and optimize the generated assembly code.


Here is an example of converting a simple C code snippet to MIPS assembly using godbolt.org:

C code:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
   int a = 5;
   int b = 10;
   int sum = a + b;
   printf("The sum is %d\n", sum);
   return 0;

MIPS assembly code:

    .file   "main.c"
    .align  2
    .globl  main
    .type   main, @function
    # Prologue
    addiu   $sp, $sp, -16
    sw  $ra, 0($sp)
    sw  $fp, 4($sp)
    move    $fp, $sp
    # Body
    li  $t0, 5
    li  $t1, 10
    addu    $t2, $t0, $t1
    move    $a0, $t2
    la  $t3, .LC0
    move    $a1, $t3
    li  $v0, 0
    jal printf
    # Epilogue
    move    $sp, $fp
    lw  $ra, 0($sp)
    lw  $fp, 4($sp)
    addiu   $sp, $sp, 16
    jr  $ra
    .size   main, .-main
    .section    .rodata
    .align  2
    .string "The sum is %d\n"

This is a simple example where the C code calculates the sum of two integers and prints it using the printf function. The MIPS assembly code generated by godbolt.org reflects the steps required to perform the addition and call the printf function.

Note that the assembly code includes a prologue and an epilogue to set up and restore the stack frame, respectively. The main body of the code includes instructions to load the integer values, perform the addition, and pass the result to the printf function. Finally, the code returns 0 to indicate successful execution.

Remember to use the appropriate tools and references to understand the MIPS instruction set and optimize the code as needed.