loop array

Looping Through an Array in C

To loop through an array in C, you can use a for loop. Here are the steps involved in looping through an array in C:

  1. Initialize the Loop: Start by initializing the loop with a counter variable. This variable will be used to access each element of the array in sequence.

  2. Set the Loop Condition: Define the condition for the loop to continue. Typically, this condition checks whether the counter variable is within the bounds of the array.

  3. Access Array Elements: Within the loop, access the elements of the array using the counter variable.

  4. Perform Operations: Perform any necessary operations on the array elements within the loop.

  5. Update the Counter: Update the counter variable to move to the next element of the array.

  6. Repeat Until Condition is False: The loop will continue to iterate through the array until the condition becomes false.

This process allows you to iterate through each element of the array and perform operations as needed.
