arduino server read

Sure, I can provide an explanation for reading data from an Arduino server in the C language. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Include the necessary libraries such as Ethernet.h, SPI.h, and HTTPClient.h.

Step 2: Set up the Ethernet connection using the Ethernet.begin(mac, ip) function, where "mac" is the MAC address of the Ethernet shield and "ip" is the IP address of the Arduino server.

Step 3: Create an instance of the HTTPClient class using HTTPClient http.

Step 4: Use the http.begin() function to specify the URL of the server and the endpoint from which to read the data.

Step 5: Send the GET request to the server using http.GET().

Step 6: Check the response status code using http.responseStatusCode() to ensure the request was successful (status code 200).

Step 7: Read the response body using http.getString() to obtain the data from the server.

Step 8: Close the connection to the server using http.end().

These are the steps to read data from an Arduino server using the C language.