C access global variable same name

Accessing Global Variables with the Same Name in C

In C, when there are multiple global variables with the same name, the variable that is accessed depends on the scope in which the access occurs. Here are the steps to understand how C accesses global variables with the same name:

  1. Variable Declaration: When a global variable is declared with a certain name, it becomes accessible throughout the program. Global variables are declared outside of any function or block, making them accessible from any part of the program.

  2. Scope Resolution: When accessing a global variable with the same name, the compiler uses a process called "scope resolution" to determine which variable to access. The scope resolution process involves searching for the variable in different scopes.

  3. Local Scope: If there is a local variable with the same name as the global variable, the local variable takes precedence over the global variable within its scope. This means that if a local variable is declared with the same name as a global variable, any reference to that variable within the local scope will refer to the local variable, not the global variable.

  4. Global Scope: If there is no local variable with the same name, or if the local variable is out of scope, the global variable will be accessed. In this case, any reference to the variable will refer to the global variable.

It's important to note that using multiple global variables with the same name can lead to confusion and potential issues in code maintenance and debugging. It is generally recommended to avoid using global variables whenever possible, as they can introduce complexity and make code harder to understand and maintain [1].

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