c strcat

Explanation of strcat in C

In C, the strcat function is used to concatenate two strings. It takes two arguments: the destination string and the source string. The strcat function appends the characters of the source string to the end of the destination string, overwriting the null character at the end of the destination string, and then adds a new null character at the end of the concatenated string.

Here is an example of how to use the strcat function:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main() {
   char str1[20] = "Hello";
   char str2[] = " World!";

   strcat(str1, str2);

   printf("Concatenated string: %s\n", str1);

   return 0;


Concatenated string: Hello World!

In the example above, the strcat function is used to concatenate str2 to the end of str1. The resulting string is then printed.

Please note that the destination string (str1 in this case) must have enough space to accommodate the concatenated string. If the destination string is not large enough, it can lead to buffer overflow and undefined behavior.