c command line arguments parser

C Command Line Arguments Parser

To parse command line arguments in C, you can use the main function. Here's an example of how to structure a C file and write a C main function that handles command line arguments:

/ main.c /
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    // Your code to handle command line arguments goes here

The main function is where you can collect and process the command line arguments. The argc parameter represents the number of arguments passed, and the argv parameter is an array of strings containing the arguments themselves.

The purpose of the main function is to collect and process the command line arguments. It's important to note that a source file that is not empty in C shall end in a new-line character, which shall not be immediately preceded by a backslash character [4].

If you need to handle command line arguments in C, you can structure your program around the main function and use the argc and argv parameters to access the command line arguments passed to your program.