c program boilerplate code

Here is a basic boilerplate code for a C program, along with explanations for each step:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    // Code goes here

    return 0;

Include the necessary header file

The first line #include <stdio.h> is a preprocessor directive that includes the standard input/output library header file. This file contains functions like printf and scanf that allow you to interact with the user through the console.

Define the main function

The int main() function is the entry point of a C program. It is where the program execution starts. In this example, the main function is defined without any parameters.

Write your code

Between the opening and closing braces {} of the main function, you can write your program logic. This is where you would define variables, perform calculations, and call other functions to achieve the desired functionality.

Return statement

The return 0; statement is used to exit the main function. In C, returning 0 from the main function indicates that the program has executed successfully. You can also return a non-zero value to indicate an error or abnormal termination.