pipe system call

Explanation of the pipe system call in C

The pipe system call in C is used to create a unidirectional communication channel between two processes. It allows one process to write data to the pipe, while the other process reads the data from the pipe. Here is an explanation of each step involved in using the pipe system call:

  1. Include the necessary header file: To use the pipe system call in C, you need to include the <unistd.h> header file, which contains the function prototype for pipe.

  2. Declare the pipe file descriptors: Before creating the pipe, you need to declare an array of two integers to hold the file descriptors for the read and write ends of the pipe. For example: c int pipefd[2];

  3. Create the pipe: To create the pipe, you need to call the pipe function and pass the address of the array of file descriptors as an argument. The pipe function will create the pipe and assign the file descriptors to the array elements. For example: c pipe(pipefd);

  4. Fork a child process: After creating the pipe, you typically fork a child process using the fork system call. The child process will inherit the file descriptors of the pipe from the parent process.

  5. Close unnecessary file descriptors: In the child process, you should close the file descriptor for the write end of the pipe if it is not needed. Similarly, in the parent process, you should close the file descriptor for the read end of the pipe if it is not needed. This ensures that each process only has access to the necessary end of the pipe.

  6. Write data to the pipe: In the process that wants to write data to the pipe, you can use the write system call to write data to the file descriptor for the write end of the pipe. The data written to the pipe can be read by the other process that has access to the read end of the pipe.

  7. Read data from the pipe: In the process that wants to read data from the pipe, you can use the read system call to read data from the file descriptor for the read end of the pipe. The data read from the pipe will be the data that was written by the other process.

  8. Close the remaining file descriptors: After the communication is complete, you should close the file descriptors for both ends of the pipe in both processes. This ensures that the resources associated with the pipe are properly released.

That's a brief explanation of the steps involved in using the pipe system call in C. By following these steps, you can establish a communication channel between two processes using a pipe.
