entity framework core discard changes

To discard changes in Entity Framework Core using C#, you can follow these steps:

  1. Retrieve the entity from the database: Use the appropriate method, such as Find() or SingleOrDefault(), to retrieve the entity that you want to discard changes for. This will allow you to work with the current state of the entity.

  2. Detach the entity from the context: Once you have retrieved the entity, you need to detach it from the context. This ensures that any changes made to the entity will not be tracked by the context. To detach the entity, you can use the Entry() method and set its State property to EntityState.Detached.

  3. Retrieve the original values: If you need to compare the current state of the entity with its original values, you can retrieve the original values from the database. This can be done by using the Entry() method and accessing the OriginalValues property.

  4. Reattach the entity: If you want to continue working with the entity after discarding the changes, you can reattach it to the context. To reattach the entity, you can use the Update() method and pass the entity as a parameter. This will mark the entity as modified and track any subsequent changes made to it.

  5. Save the changes: If you have made any modifications to the entity before discarding the changes, you can save the changes to the database using the SaveChanges() method. This will persist the changes to the database.

By following these steps, you can effectively discard changes in Entity Framework Core using C#.