binary tree count number of leaves in c

Counting the Number of Leaves in a Binary Tree in C

To count the number of leaves in a binary tree in C, you can use a recursive approach. Here are the steps to implement this:

  1. Define the structure for a binary tree node. Each node should have a data value and pointers to its left and right child nodes.

c struct Node { int data; struct Node* left; struct Node* right; };

  1. Create a function to count the number of leaves in the binary tree. This function will take a pointer to the root node of the tree as a parameter.

```c int countLeaves(struct Node* root) { // Base case: if the root is NULL, return 0 if (root == NULL) { return 0; }

   // If the root is a leaf node (both left and right child are NULL), return 1
   if (root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL) {
       return 1;

   // Recursively count the number of leaves in the left and right subtrees
   int leftLeaves = countLeaves(root->left);
   int rightLeaves = countLeaves(root->right);

   // Return the sum of leaves in the left and right subtrees
   return leftLeaves + rightLeaves;

} ```

Let's go through the steps in the countLeaves function:

  • The base case checks if the root is NULL. If it is, it means we have reached the end of a branch, so we return 0.
  • If the root is a leaf node (both left and right child are NULL), we return 1.
  • If the root has children, we recursively call the countLeaves function on the left and right subtrees and store the results in leftLeaves and rightLeaves.
  • Finally, we return the sum of leftLeaves and rightLeaves, which gives us the total number of leaves in the binary tree.

  • To test the function, you can create a binary tree and call the countLeaves function with the root node.

```c int main() { // Create a binary tree struct Node* root = createBinaryTree();

   // Count the number of leaves
   int numLeaves = countLeaves(root);

   // Print the result
   printf("Number of leaves in the binary tree: %d\n", numLeaves);

   return 0;

} ```

Note: The createBinaryTree function is not provided here as it depends on how you want to create your binary tree. You can manually create the tree or use any other method to construct it.

That's it! The countLeaves function will recursively traverse the binary tree and count the number of leaf nodes. The result will be printed in the main function.


Let's say we have the following binary tree:

       / \
      2   3
     / \
    4   5

The countLeaves function will return 3, as there are three leaf nodes (4, 5, and 3).

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.