java code to c code converter online

Here is an example of a Java code that converts a Java code snippet to C code:

import java.util.*;
import java.nio.file.*;

public class JavaToCConverter {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        // Read Java code from input file
        String javaCode = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("")));

        // Convert Java code to C code
        String cCode = convertToC(javaCode);

        // Write C code to output file
        Files.write(Paths.get("output.c"), cCode.getBytes());

    public static String convertToC(String javaCode) {
        // TODO: Implement the conversion logic here
        // This method should take the Java code as input and return the equivalent C code
        return "";

In this example, we have a Java class called JavaToCConverter that contains a main method. The main method reads the Java code from an input file, converts it to C code using the convertToC method, and writes the C code to an output file.

The convertToC method is where you would implement the logic to convert the Java code to C code. This method takes the Java code as input and should return the equivalent C code. You can add your own logic here to parse and transform the Java code into C code.

Please note that the convertToC method is currently empty and needs to be implemented. You would need to write your own logic to analyze the Java code and generate the corresponding C code.

Remember to include any necessary libraries or functions that are required for your specific Java code in the C code that you generate. The conversion process may involve translating Java-specific syntax, such as classes, objects, and method calls, into equivalent C code.

Let me know if you need further assistance!