how to change the mapping from jkil to wasd in vim

Changing Mapping from JKIL to WASD in Vim

To change the mapping from JKIL to WASD in Vim, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open Vim Configuration File:
  2. Open the Vim configuration file using the following command: vim ~/.vimrc

[[SOURCE 1]]

  1. Insert Mapping Command:
  2. Insert the mapping command to change the key mappings from JKIL to WASD. Add the following line to the Vim configuration file: nnoremap w k nnoremap a h nnoremap s j nnoremap d l

[[SOURCE 2]]

  1. Save and Exit:
  2. Save the changes and exit the Vim configuration file.

  3. Reload Configuration:

  4. To apply the changes, reload the Vim configuration by running the following command: :source ~/.vimrc

These steps will change the mapping from JKIL to WASD in Vim, allowing you to use the WASD keys for navigation.

Let me know if you need further assistance!