c++ convert to assembly language

To convert C++ code to assembly language, you need to follow a few steps. Here is an example of a C++ code snippet and its corresponding assembly code:

C++ code:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
  int a = 5;
  int b = 10;
  int c = a + b;

  std::cout << "The sum of a and b is: " << c << std::endl;

  return 0;

Assembly code:

section .data
    format db "The sum of a and b is: %d", 10, 0

section .text
    global _start

    ; Allocate space for variables
    sub esp, 12

    ; Assign values to variables
    mov dword [esp], 5 ; a = 5
    mov dword [esp + 4], 10 ; b = 10

    ; Perform addition
    mov eax, dword [esp] ; eax = a
    add eax, dword [esp + 4] ; eax = eax + b
    mov dword [esp + 8], eax ; c = eax

    ; Print the result
    push dword [esp + 8]
    push format
    call printf
    add esp, 8

    ; Exit the program
    mov eax, 1
    xor ebx, ebx
    int 0x80


C++ code explanation:

  • The code starts with the inclusion of the <iostream> library, which provides input/output stream functionality.

  • The main() function is the entry point of the program.

  • Three variables a, b, and c are declared and assigned values.

  • The std::cout statement is used to print the sum of a and b to the console.

  • The return 0 statement signifies the end of the program.

Assembly code explanation:

  • The assembly code is divided into two sections: .data and .text.

  • In the .data section, the format string for printing is defined.

  • The .text section contains the actual assembly instructions.

  • The _start label marks the entry point of the program.

  • The sub esp, 12 instruction allocates space on the stack for the variables a, b, and c.

  • The mov instructions are used to assign values to a and b.

  • The mov eax, dword [esp] instruction loads the value of a into the eax register.

  • The add instruction adds the values of eax and b and stores the result in eax.

  • The mov dword [esp + 8], eax instruction stores the result in c.

  • The push instructions prepare the arguments for the printf function call.

  • The call printf instruction calls the printf function to print the result.

  • The add esp, 8 instruction adjusts the stack after the function call.

  • The remaining instructions are used to exit the program.

This is a basic example of converting C++ code to assembly language. The actual conversion process may vary depending on the complexity of the code and the target architecture.