Assets/Scripts/UIManager.cs(65,13): error CS0201: Only assignment, call, increment, decrement, await, and new object expressions can be used as a statement

The error message "Assets/Scripts/UIManager.cs(65,13): error CS0201: Only assignment, call, increment, decrement, await, and new object expressions can be used as a statement" indicates that there is a problem with the code at line 65, character 13 in the file UIManager.cs. The issue is that an expression is being used as a statement, which is not allowed in C#.

To fix this error, you need to ensure that the code at line 65, character 13 is a valid statement. This means that it should be an assignment, a method call, an increment or decrement operation, an await expression, or a new object expression.

Here are some possible explanations for each of these types of statements:

  • Assignment: An assignment statement assigns a value to a variable. For example, x = 5; assigns the value 5 to the variable x.
  • Method call: A method call statement invokes a method and optionally passes arguments to it. For example, PrintMessage("Hello"); calls the method PrintMessage with the argument "Hello".
  • Increment or decrement: An increment or decrement statement changes the value of a variable by adding or subtracting 1. For example, x++; increments the value of x by 1.
  • Await expression: An await expression is used to asynchronously wait for the completion of a task. It is typically used in asynchronous methods. For example, await DoSomethingAsync(); waits for the completion of the DoSomethingAsync method.
  • New object expression: A new object expression creates a new instance of a class or struct. For example, Person p = new Person(); creates a new instance of the Person class and assigns it to the variable p.

In summary, the error message CS0201 indicates that an expression is being used as a statement in the code at line 65, character 13 in the UIManager.cs file. To fix this error, you need to ensure that the code at that location is a valid statement, such as an assignment, method call, increment or decrement operation, await expression, or new object expression.