cut first part of string c

To cut the first part of a string in C, you can use the strcpy function from the string.h library. Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to cut the first part of a string:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main() {
    char str[] = "Hello World";
    char* newStr;

    newStr = strcpy(str, str + 6);

    printf("New string: %s\n", newStr);

    return 0;


  1. Include the necessary header files: stdio.h for input/output operations and string.h for string manipulation functions.

  2. Declare a character array str to store the original string.

  3. Declare a pointer newStr to store the modified string.

  4. Use the strcpy function to copy the substring starting from the 6th character of str to newStr. This effectively cuts the first part of the string.

  5. Print the modified string using printf.

  6. Return 0 to indicate successful execution of the program.

This code snippet uses the strcpy function to perform the string manipulation. The strcpy function takes two arguments: the destination string and the source string. In this case, the destination string is str itself, and the source string is str + 6, which represents the substring starting from the 6th character of str. The strcpy function copies the source string to the destination string, effectively cutting the first part of the original string.