jock cranley

Step 1: Declare a structure named "athlete_info" with members name, age, and sport. Step 2: Declare a function named "input_athlete_info" with a parameter of type struct athlete_info. Inside the function, prompt the user to input the athlete's name, age, and sport. Store the input in the respective members of the struct. Step 3: Declare a function named "output_athlete_info" with a parameter of type struct athlete_info. Inside the function, display the athlete's information (name, age, and sport) to the console. Step 4: In the main function, declare a variable of type struct athlete_info. Step 5: Call the function "input_athlete_info" and pass the variable as an argument to input the athlete's information. Step 6: Call the function "output_athlete_info" and pass the variable as an argument to display the athlete's information.