11 1 C:\Users\user\Desktop\Cprogramms\2boocle.cpp [Error] expected primary-expression before '}' token


The error message "expected primary-expression before '}' token" typically occurs when there is a syntax error in the code. In this case, the error is likely caused by a missing or misplaced element in the code, which is preventing the compiler from recognizing the code as a valid expression.

To explain the error in more detail, let's break down the error message and the code snippet provided:

  • "expected primary-expression": The compiler is expecting to see a primary expression, which can be a variable name, a literal value, or an expression enclosed in parentheses. In this case, it is likely that there is a missing or incorrect primary expression in the code.

  • "before '}' token": The error occurs before the closing curly brace '}' of a block of code, indicating that the error is within that block.

The code snippet you provided is:

11 1 C:\Users\user\Desktop\Cprogramms\2boocle.cpp

This code snippet does not seem to be a valid C code. It appears to be a combination of line numbers and a file path. The error message you mentioned does not directly correspond to this code snippet.

To provide a more accurate explanation, please provide the actual code that is causing the error.