code to reverse the words in a sentnce

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

// Function to reverse a portion of the string
void reverseString(char str[], int start, int end) {
    while (start < end) {
        // Swap characters at start and end
        char temp = str[start];
        str[start] = str[end];
        str[end] = temp;

        // Move towards the center

// Function to reverse the words in a sentence
void reverseWords(char str[]) {
    int length = strlen(str);

    // Reverse the entire string
    reverseString(str, 0, length - 1);

    // Reverse each word individually
    int start = 0;
    for (int end = 0; end < length; end++) {
        // Check for space to identify the end of a word
        if (str[end] == ' ') {
            reverseString(str, start, end - 1);
            start = end + 1;  // Move to the next word

    // Reverse the last word (or the only word if there is only one)
    reverseString(str, start, length - 1);

int main() {
    char sentence[100];

    // Input the sentence
    printf("Enter a sentence: ");
    fgets(sentence, sizeof(sentence), stdin);

    // Remove the newline character from the input
    sentence[strcspn(sentence, "\n")] = '\0';

    // Reverse the words in the sentence

    // Display the result
    printf("Reversed Sentence: %s\n", sentence);

    return 0;