Mosquitto MQTT client arguments

Mosquitto MQTT Client Arguments

The Mosquitto MQTT client is a command-line tool that allows users to interact with MQTT brokers. It provides various arguments that can be used to configure the client's behavior and perform different operations. Here are some commonly used arguments and their explanations:

  1. -h, --host: Specifies the hostname or IP address of the MQTT broker to connect to. For example, -h localhost connects to a broker running on the local machine.

  2. -p, --port: Specifies the port number of the MQTT broker. The default port for MQTT is 1883. For example, -p 1883 connects to the broker using port 1883.

  3. -u, --username: Specifies the username to use for authentication when connecting to the MQTT broker. For example, -u myusername sets the username to "myusername".

  4. -P, --password: Specifies the password to use for authentication when connecting to the MQTT broker. For example, -P mypassword sets the password to "mypassword".

  5. -t, --topic: Specifies the MQTT topic to subscribe to or publish messages to. For example, -t mytopic subscribes to the topic "mytopic".

  6. -m, --message: Specifies the message payload to publish to an MQTT topic. For example, -m "Hello, world!" publishes the message "Hello, world!" to the topic.

  7. -q, --qos: Specifies the quality of service level for MQTT messages. The QoS can be set to 0, 1, or 2. For example, -q 1 sets the QoS level to 1.

  8. -r, --retain: Specifies whether the published message should be retained by the broker. Retained messages are stored by the broker and delivered to new subscribers. For example, -r enables message retention.

These are just a few examples of the arguments that can be used with the Mosquitto MQTT client. The full list of arguments and their explanations can be found in the Mosquitto documentation [1].

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