Kruskal's algorithm in C

Kruskal's algorithm is a widely used algorithm for finding the minimum spanning tree of a connected, weighted graph. Here is an example implementation of Kruskal's algorithm in C, along with explanations for each step:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// Structure to represent an edge in the graph
struct Edge {
    int src, dest, weight;

// Structure to represent a subset for union-find operation
struct Subset {
    int parent;
    int rank;

// Function to create a graph with V vertices and E edges
struct Graph* createGraph(int V, int E) {
    struct Graph graph = (struct Graph) malloc(sizeof(struct Graph));
    graph->V = V;
    graph->E = E;
    graph->edge = (struct Edge) malloc(graph->E  sizeof(struct Edge));
    return graph;

// Function to find the parent of a node using path compression technique
int find(struct Subset subsets[], int i) {
    if (subsets[i].parent != i)
        subsets[i].parent = find(subsets, subsets[i].parent);
    return subsets[i].parent;

// Function to perform union of two subsets using union by rank
void Union(struct Subset subsets[], int x, int y) {
    int xroot = find(subsets, x);
    int yroot = find(subsets, y);

    if (subsets[xroot].rank < subsets[yroot].rank)
        subsets[xroot].parent = yroot;
    else if (subsets[xroot].rank > subsets[yroot].rank)
        subsets[yroot].parent = xroot;
    else {
        subsets[yroot].parent = xroot;

// Function to implement Kruskal's algorithm
void KruskalMST(struct Graph* graph) {
    int V = graph->V;
    struct Edge result[V];
    int e = 0;
    int i = 0;

    // Sort all the edges in non-decreasing order of their weight
    qsort(graph->edge, graph->E, sizeof(graph->edge[0]), compare);

    // Create V subsets with single elements
    struct Subset subsets = (struct Subset) malloc(V * sizeof(struct Subset));
    for (int v = 0; v < V; ++v) {
        subsets[v].parent = v;
        subsets[v].rank = 0;

    // Process V-1 edges
    while (e < V - 1 && i < graph->E) {
        // Pick the smallest edge and increment the index for next iteration
        struct Edge next_edge = graph->edge[i++];

        int x = find(subsets, next_edge.src);
        int y = find(subsets, next_edge.dest);

        // If including this edge doesn't form a cycle, add it to the result and increment the index
        if (x != y) {
            result[e++] = next_edge;
            Union(subsets, x, y);

    // Print the edges of the minimum spanning tree
    printf("Edges of the minimum spanning tree:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < e; ++i)
        printf("%d -- %d    Weight: %d\n", result[i].src, result[i].dest, result[i].weight);

// Driver program to test above functions
int main() {
    int V = 4; // Number of vertices in the graph
    int E = 5; // Number of edges in the graph
    struct Graph* graph = createGraph(V, E);

    // Add edge 0-1
    graph->edge[0].src = 0;
    graph->edge[0].dest = 1;
    graph->edge[0].weight = 10;

    // Add edge 0-2
    graph->edge[1].src = 0;
    graph->edge[1].dest = 2;
    graph->edge[1].weight = 6;

    // Add edge 0-3
    graph->edge[2].src = 0;
    graph->edge[2].dest = 3;
    graph->edge[2].weight = 5;

    // Add edge 1-3
    graph->edge[3].src = 1;
    graph->edge[3].dest = 3;
    graph->edge[3].weight = 15;

    // Add edge 2-3
    graph->edge[4].src = 2;
    graph->edge[4].dest = 3;
    graph->edge[4].weight = 4;


    return 0;

Explanation of Kruskal's Algorithm:

  1. The algorithm starts by sorting all the edges of the graph in non-decreasing order of their weights. This can be done using any sorting algorithm, such as the qsort function in C.

  2. Next, the algorithm creates a disjoint set data structure to keep track of the subsets of the vertices. Each subset initially contains a single vertex.

  3. The algorithm then processes the edges in the sorted order. For each edge, it checks if including that edge in the minimum spanning tree would create a cycle. This check is done by finding the parent of the source and destination vertices using the find function.

  4. If including the edge does not create a cycle, it is added to the minimum spanning tree result, and the subsets of the source and destination vertices are merged using the Union function.

  5. The algorithm continues this process until V-1 edges have been added to the result, where V is the number of vertices in the graph. This ensures that the resulting tree is a spanning tree of the graph.

  6. Finally, the algorithm prints the edges of the minimum spanning tree.

The main function in the provided code is a driver program that creates a sample graph and tests the KruskalMST function by calling it with the graph as an argument.