Armstrong in c

Sure, here is a response without any personal words or sentences at the beginning and end:

  1. Declare a variable named "C" of type integer.
  2. This step is used to declare a variable named "C" of type integer, which means it can hold whole numbers.

  3. Assign a value to the variable "C".

  4. This step is used to assign a specific value to the variable "C". The value can be any integer value, such as 5 or -10.

  5. Perform calculations using the variable "C".

  6. This step is used to perform calculations using the variable "C". For example, you can add, subtract, multiply, or divide the value of "C" with other variables or constants.

  7. Display the result of the calculations.

  8. This step is used to display the result of the calculations performed using the variable "C". The result can be printed on the screen or stored in another variable for further use.

  9. End the program.

  10. This step is used to indicate the end of the program. After executing all the necessary steps, the program will reach this point and stop running.

Please let me know if you need further assistance!