how tier lists work

Tier lists rank items or characters based on their perceived strength, usefulness, or other criteria. Here's a breakdown of how they typically work:

  1. Define Criteria: Establish specific factors or characteristics used for evaluation. These can include power, utility, versatility, or other relevant attributes.

  2. Assign Tiers: Create distinct categories or tiers (like S-tier, A-tier, B-tier, etc.) to group items or characters based on their performance within the defined criteria. S-tier usually represents the highest ranking, while lower tiers signify decreasing levels of performance.

  3. Evaluate Items/Characters: Assess each item or character against the established criteria. Consider strengths, weaknesses, abilities, statistics, and overall impact within the context of the criteria set.

  4. Place in Tiers: Based on the evaluations, assign each item or character to the tier that best matches its perceived performance or effectiveness within the defined criteria.

  5. Review and Adjust: Tier lists may undergo revisions as new information emerges or perceptions change. Regularly update the list to reflect any shifts in the understanding of the game, meta, or relevant factors.

  6. Present and Discuss: Share the tier list, often sparking debates and discussions within the community. These discussions can lead to refining the criteria or adjusting placements based on collective insights and opinions.