remove language from jupyter notebook

# C code in Jupyter Notebook
from nbconvert import PythonExporter

# Read the notebook file
notebook_file = 'example_notebook.ipynb'
with open(notebook_file, 'r') as f:
    notebook_content =

# Remove C code cells from the notebook content
index = 0
while index < len(notebook_content):
    index = notebook_content.find('"language": "c"', index)
    if index == -1:
    start_index = notebook_content.rfind('{', 0, index)
    end_index = notebook_content.find('}', index) + 1
    notebook_content = notebook_content[:start_index] + notebook_content[end_index:]
    index = start_index

# Export the modified content to a new Python script
python_exporter = PythonExporter()
python_script, _ = python_exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook_content)

# Save the modified content to a new Python file
python_file = ''
with open(python_file, 'w') as f:

print(f"The C code has been removed. The modified Python script is saved as '{python_file}'.")


  1. Import the necessary module PythonExporter from nbconvert.
  2. Define the file name of the notebook to be processed (example_notebook.ipynb).
  3. Open the specified notebook file and read its content into notebook_content.
  4. Use a loop to find C language code cells within the notebook content and remove them.
  5. The loop finds occurrences of the substring '"language": "c"' within the notebook content.
  6. If found, the code identifies the indices of the opening and closing braces '{' and '}' around the cell and removes the C code cell from the notebook content.
  7. Use PythonExporter to convert the modified notebook content into a Python script.
  8. Save the generated Python script to a new file named
  9. Display a message indicating the successful removal of C code and the location of the newly created Python script file.