peripheral bus clock pic32

To determine the peripheral bus clock in C for a PIC32 microcontroller, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Determine the system clock frequency: The peripheral bus clock is derived from the system clock frequency. You can find the system clock frequency in the datasheet or reference manual of the PIC32 microcontroller you are using.

  2. Configure the peripheral bus divider: The peripheral bus divider determines the ratio between the system clock frequency and the peripheral bus clock frequency. The peripheral bus divider is typically a register in the microcontroller that you can write to configure the division ratio.

  3. Calculate the peripheral bus clock frequency: Once you have the system clock frequency and the peripheral bus divider value, you can calculate the peripheral bus clock frequency using the following formula:

Peripheral Bus Clock Frequency = System Clock Frequency / Peripheral Bus Divider

  1. Use the peripheral bus clock: Once you have determined the peripheral bus clock frequency, you can use it to configure and operate the peripherals in your C code. This may involve setting up the appropriate registers or using peripheral libraries provided by the microcontroller manufacturer.

By following these steps, you can determine and utilize the peripheral bus clock in C for a PIC32 microcontroller.