pre-commit configuration

Pre-commit Configuration in C

To configure pre-commit in a C project, follow these steps:

  1. Install pre-commit: Start by installing pre-commit on your system. Pre-commit is a tool that helps to enforce code quality and style guidelines by running checks on files before they are committed to a repository.

  2. Create a .pre-commit-config.yaml file: In the root directory of your C project, create a file named .pre-commit-config.yaml. This file will contain the configuration for pre-commit.

  3. Specify the hooks: Inside the .pre-commit-config.yaml file, specify the hooks you want to use. Hooks are scripts or commands that are executed on the files before they are committed. For example, you can use hooks to run code formatting, linting, or unit tests.

  4. Configure the hooks: For each hook, you can configure its behavior by specifying options and arguments. These options and arguments depend on the specific hook you are using. Refer to the documentation of the hook for more information on how to configure it.

  5. Run pre-commit: Once you have configured the hooks, you can run pre-commit by executing the command pre-commit run in the root directory of your project. Pre-commit will automatically run the configured hooks on the files that are being committed.

  6. Fix issues: If pre-commit detects any issues with the files, it will provide feedback on what needs to be fixed. Make the necessary changes to the files to address the issues.

  7. Re-run pre-commit: After fixing the issues, re-run pre-commit by executing the command pre-commit run again. Pre-commit will re-check the files to ensure that all issues have been resolved.

  8. Commit the files: Once pre-commit passes all the checks, you can proceed with committing the files to your repository.

That's it! By following these steps, you can configure pre-commit in your C project to enforce code quality and style guidelines.