debian9 remove pack

To remove a package in Debian 9, you can use the apt-get or apt package management tool. Here are the steps to remove a package:

  1. Open a terminal: Launch the terminal application on your Debian 9 system.

  2. Use the apt-get or apt command with the remove option, followed by the name of the package you want to remove. For example, to remove a package named example-package, you would run the following command:

sudo apt-get remove example-package


sudo apt remove example-package

Note: The sudo command is used to run the command with administrative privileges.

  1. Enter your password: When prompted, enter your password. You need to have administrative privileges to remove packages.

  2. Confirm the removal: The package manager will display a summary of the actions it will perform, including the package to be removed. Review the information and confirm the removal by typing 'y' or 'yes' when prompted.

  3. Wait for the removal process to complete: The package manager will download any necessary files and remove the package from your system. This may take some time, depending on the size of the package and your internet connection speed.

  4. Optional: Clean up dependencies: After removing the package, you can use the following command to remove any unused dependencies that were installed along with the package:

sudo apt-get autoremove


sudo apt autoremove

This step is optional but can help free up disk space on your system.

That's it! The package has been successfully removed from your Debian 9 system.