two way communication between child and parent processes in C using pipes

Sure! Here is an example of how to implement two-way communication between child and parent processes in C using pipes:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main() {
    int fd1[2]; // File descriptors for the first pipe (parent to child)
    int fd2[2]; // File descriptors for the second pipe (child to parent)
    char parent_message[] = "Hello child!"; // Message from parent to child
    char child_message[] = "Hello parent!"; // Message from child to parent
    char buffer[100]; // Buffer to store messages

    if (pipe(fd1) == -1 || pipe(fd2) == -1) {
        perror("Pipe failed");

    pid_t pid = fork(); // Create a child process

    if (pid < 0) {
        perror("Fork failed");

    if (pid > 0) {
        // Parent process
        close(fd1[0]); // Close the reading end of the first pipe
        close(fd2[1]); // Close the writing end of the second pipe

        // Write message from parent to child
        write(fd1[1], parent_message, sizeof(parent_message) + 1);

        // Read message from child
        read(fd2[0], buffer, sizeof(buffer));
        printf("Parent received: %s\n", buffer);

        close(fd1[1]); // Close the writing end of the first pipe
        close(fd2[0]); // Close the reading end of the second pipe
    } else {
        // Child process
        close(fd1[1]); // Close the writing end of the first pipe
        close(fd2[0]); // Close the reading end of the second pipe

        // Read message from parent
        read(fd1[0], buffer, sizeof(buffer));
        printf("Child received: %s\n", buffer);

        // Write message from child to parent
        write(fd2[1], child_message, sizeof(child_message) + 1);

        close(fd1[0]); // Close the reading end of the first pipe
        close(fd2[1]); // Close the writing end of the second pipe

    return 0;

This code demonstrates how to create two pipes, fd1 and fd2, for communication between the parent and child processes. The pipe() function is used to create the pipes, and the fork() function is used to create a child process.

In the parent process, the reading end of fd1 and the writing end of fd2 are closed, as the parent will be writing to fd1 and reading from fd2. The parent then writes the message parent_message to fd1 using the write() function. It then reads the message from the child process by calling read() on fd2, and stores the message in the buffer variable. Finally, the parent closes the writing end of fd1 and the reading end of fd2.

In the child process, the writing end of fd1 and the reading end of fd2 are closed, as the child will be reading from fd1 and writing to fd2. The child reads the message from the parent process by calling read() on fd1, and stores the message in the buffer variable. It then writes the message child_message to fd2 using the write() function. Finally, the child closes the reading end of fd1 and the writing end of fd2.

This allows for two-way communication between the parent and child processes using pipes. The parent can send messages to the child, and the child can send messages back to the parent.