find all hyperlinks in p tag

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

// Function to find hyperlinks in a given HTML string
void findHyperlinks(const char *html) {
    const char *pTagStart = "<p";
    const char *pTagEnd = "</p>";
    const char *aTagStart = "<a";
    const char *aTagEnd = "</a>";

    // Find the first <p> tag
    const char *pStart = strstr(html, pTagStart);
    while (pStart != NULL) {
        // Find the corresponding </p> tag
        const char *pEnd = strstr(pStart, pTagEnd);
        if (pEnd == NULL) {
            break; // No corresponding </p> tag found

        // Extract the content between <p> and </p> tags
        size_t contentLength = pEnd - pStart + strlen(pTagEnd);
        char pContent = (char )malloc(contentLength + 1);
        strncpy(pContent, pStart, contentLength);
        pContent[contentLength] = '\0';

        // Check if the <p> tag contains an <a> tag
        const char *aStart = strstr(pContent, aTagStart);
        while (aStart != NULL) {
            // Find the corresponding </a> tag
            const char *aEnd = strstr(aStart, aTagEnd);
            if (aEnd == NULL) {
                break; // No corresponding </a> tag found

            // Extract the content between <a> and </a> tags
            size_t linkLength = aEnd - aStart + strlen(aTagEnd);
            char aContent = (char )malloc(linkLength + 1);
            strncpy(aContent, aStart, linkLength);
            aContent[linkLength] = '\0';

            // Print the hyperlink content
            printf("Hyperlink: %s\n", aContent);

            // Free memory allocated for the hyperlink content

            // Find the next <a> tag within the <p> tag
            aStart = strstr(aEnd + strlen(aTagEnd), aTagStart);

        // Free memory allocated for the <p> tag content

        // Find the next <p> tag in the HTML string
        pStart = strstr(pEnd + strlen(pTagEnd), pTagStart);

int main() {
    // Sample HTML string for testing
    const char *html = "<p>This is a <a href=''>hyperlink</a> in a <a href=''>paragraph</a>.</p>"
                       "<p>Another <a href=''>link</a> in a second <a href=''>paragraph</a>.</p>";

    // Find and print hyperlinks in the HTML string

    return 0;