obstacle avoiding robot in c++ program

Here is an example of a C++ program for an obstacle-avoiding robot, along with explanations for each step.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Function to move the robot forward
void moveForward() {
    cout << "Moving forward" << endl;

// Function to turn the robot right
void turnRight() {
    cout << "Turning right" << endl;

// Function to turn the robot left
void turnLeft() {
    cout << "Turning left" << endl;

// Function to stop the robot
void stop() {
    cout << "Stopping" << endl;

// Function to check for obstacles
bool checkObstacle() {
    // Code to check for obstacles, e.g. using sensors
    // Return true if an obstacle is detected, otherwise return false
    return false;

int main() {
    // Main program loop
    while (true) {
        // Check for obstacles
        if (checkObstacle()) {
            // If an obstacle is detected, turn right
        } else {
            // If no obstacle is detected, move forward

    return 0;


  1. The program begins by including the necessary header file iostream, which allows us to use input/output stream operations.

  2. The using namespace std; statement is used to avoid having to write std:: before standard library functions and objects.

  3. Next, we define four functions: moveForward(), turnRight(), turnLeft(), and stop(). These functions are responsible for controlling the robot's movements and printing messages to indicate the actions taken.

  4. The checkObstacle() function is used to check for obstacles. This function can be customized to use sensors or other methods to detect obstacles. In this example, the function always returns false to indicate that no obstacle is detected.

  5. In the main() function, we create a while loop that runs indefinitely (while (true)). This loop represents the main program loop for the robot.

  6. Inside the loop, we call the checkObstacle() function to determine if an obstacle is present.

  7. If an obstacle is detected (i.e., checkObstacle() returns true), the turnRight() function is called to turn the robot right.

  8. If no obstacle is detected (i.e., checkObstacle() returns false), the moveForward() function is called to move the robot forward.

  9. The loop continues to run, repeatedly checking for obstacles and taking appropriate actions based on the detection result.

  10. The program ends with the return 0; statement, indicating successful execution.

This program demonstrates a basic obstacle-avoiding behavior for a robot. In a real implementation, you would need to customize the checkObstacle() function to use appropriate sensors and define the actions for turning left and stopping based on your robot's capabilities.