how to transfer textbox fro string to integer

To transfer a textbox value from a string to an integer in VB.NET, you can use the Integer.Parse or Integer.TryParse method. Here are the steps to do it:

  1. Get the value from the textbox: First, you need to retrieve the value entered in the textbox. You can access the Text property of the textbox control to get the string value.

  2. Parse the string to an integer: Once you have the string value, you can use the Integer.Parse method to convert it to an integer. This method takes the string as input and returns the corresponding integer value. If the string cannot be parsed as an integer, it will throw an exception.

vb Dim stringValue As String = YourTextBox.Text Dim intValue As Integer = Integer.Parse(stringValue)

Alternatively, you can use the Integer.TryParse method, which returns a Boolean value indicating whether the parsing was successful. If successful, the parsed integer value is stored in an output parameter.

```vb Dim stringValue As String = YourTextBox.Text Dim intValue As Integer

If Integer.TryParse(stringValue, intValue) Then ' Parsing successful, intValue contains the parsed integer value Else ' Parsing failed, handle the error End If ```

The TryParse method is useful when you want to handle parsing errors gracefully without throwing an exception.

  1. Handle exceptions (optional): If you use Integer.Parse and the string cannot be parsed as an integer, it will throw a FormatException exception. You can use a Try-Catch block to catch the exception and handle it appropriately.

vb Try Dim stringValue As String = YourTextBox.Text Dim intValue As Integer = Integer.Parse(stringValue) ' Handle the parsed integer value Catch ex As FormatException ' Handle the parsing error End Try

By catching the exception, you can display an error message to the user or take any other necessary action.

That's it! Following these steps, you can transfer a textbox value from a string to an integer in VB.NET.