boolean input in c

Boolean Input in C

To handle boolean input in C, you can use the stdbool.h header file, which provides the bool type and the constants true and false. Here are the steps to use boolean input in C:

  1. Include the stdbool.h header file at the beginning of your program: c #include <stdbool.h>

  2. Declare a boolean variable: c bool isTrue;

  3. Assign a boolean value to the variable: c isTrue = true;

  4. Read boolean input from the user: c printf("Enter true or false: "); scanf("%d", &isTrue);

Note: When reading boolean input using scanf, use the %d format specifier and pass the address of the boolean variable using the & operator.

  1. Use the boolean variable in your program: c if (isTrue) { printf("The value is true.\n"); } else { printf("The value is false.\n"); }

Note: In C, true is represented by a non-zero value, and false is represented by zero.

That's it! You have now learned how to handle boolean input in C.