Multiplying a u64 to u128 in Rust

Multiplying a u64 to u128 in Rust

To multiply a u64 to u128 in Rust, you can use the standard multiplication operator. Here's a step-by-step explanation:

  1. Use the Standard Multiplication Operator:
  2. In Rust, you can use the standard multiplication operator * to multiply a u64 to u128.


  1. Example:
  2. Here's an example of how you can multiply a u64 to u128 in Rust: rust fn main() { let num1: u64 = 10; let num2: u128 = 20; let result = num1 as u128 * num2; println!("The result is: {}", result); }


  1. Explanation:
  2. In the example above, num1 is a u64 and num2 is a u128. To multiply num1 to num2, we first cast num1 to u128 using as u128 and then use the standard multiplication operator * to perform the multiplication. The result is stored in the variable result.


  1. Output:
  2. When you run the above example, it will print the result of multiplying a u64 to u128.


  1. Conclusion:
  2. This demonstrates how to multiply a u64 to u128 in Rust using the standard multiplication operator.