modelform prefill with data

To prefill a modelform with data in the C language, you can follow these steps:

  1. Start by including the necessary header files for the modelform and any other required libraries.

  2. Define the structure of the modelform using the struct keyword. Include the necessary variables and their data types. For example:

struct modelform {
    char name[50];
    int age;
    float height;
  1. Create a function to prefill the modelform with data. This function should take the modelform structure as a parameter. For example:
void prefillModelform(struct modelform *form) {
    strcpy(form->name, "John Doe");
    form->age = 25;
    form->height = 1.75;
  1. In your main function or any other appropriate location, create an instance of the modelform structure. For example:
struct modelform myForm;
  1. Call the prefillModelform function, passing the address of the modelform instance as a parameter. For example:
  1. Now, the modelform instance myForm will be prefilled with the provided data. You can access and use this data as needed in your program.

Remember to adapt these steps to your specific modelform structure and data requirements.