server client tcp in C

TCP Server-Client Communication in C

To establish a TCP server-client communication in C, you can follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Include the necessary header files: Begin by including the necessary header files for socket programming in C. These typically include stdio.h, stdlib.h, string.h, and sys/socket.h.

  2. Create a socket: Use the socket() function to create a socket. This function takes three arguments: the address domain (e.g., AF_INET for IPv4), the socket type (e.g., SOCK_STREAM for TCP), and the protocol (usually set to 0 for the default protocol).

  3. Bind the socket: Bind the socket to a specific IP address and port number using the bind() function. This function takes the socket file descriptor, a pointer to a struct sockaddr that specifies the address and port, and the size of the address structure.

  4. Listen for connections: Use the listen() function to make the server listen for incoming connections. This function takes the socket file descriptor and the maximum number of pending connections as arguments.

  5. Accept connections: Use the accept() function to accept incoming client connections. This function blocks until a client connects to the server. It returns a new socket file descriptor that represents the connection with the client.

  6. Send and receive data: Once a connection is established, you can use the send() and recv() functions to send and receive data between the server and the client. The send() function sends data from the server to the client, while the recv() function receives data from the client.

  7. Close the sockets: After the communication is complete, close the sockets using the close() function to release the resources.

It's important to note that these steps provide a high-level overview of the process. The actual implementation may involve additional error handling, memory allocation, and other considerations.

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